It was a great honor for Clinical Dietitian/Nutritionist (BSc, MSc) specialized in clinical nutrition, autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation, educated in plant-based nutrition and gut microbiome and scientist associate of Plant-based Professionals U.K., Despina Marselou, to carry out this very informative webinar for doctors and healthcare providers of East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, focusing on “Nutritional Prevention of Cognitive Decline and Dementia” on the 26th of November 2020.
Nutritional education, especially as far as the positive effects of fruits and vegetables and their antioxidant content are concerned is absolutely necessary for any disease, with dementia being one of them. This webinar was a great opportunity to cover important issues such as gut microbiome and dementia, plant-based nutrition and prevention or slowing down cognitive impairment among others.
A big thank you to Dr. Michael Kaklamanos MD, MRCP (London), Ph.D, Consultant in Geriatrics & Pathology and Director of East Kent NHS Foundation Trust, for the invitation and also to all the doctors and healthcare providers of Geriatrics in East Kent NHS who showed great interest and a huge positive feedback on the webinar, especially amidst this serious pandemic.
Take out points of the seminar for those who confront cognitive decline issues:
-Mediterranean, mostly plant-based nutrition with emphasis on greens, berries, dark chocolate, variety of fruits and vegetables, legumes, avocado, nuts, cacao, flaxseed
-Gut microbiome support with fiber intake
-Physical Activity
-Social support (friend, family)