Lotus and tofu skewers

Did you know that the not-so-popular persimmon (lotus) is a good source of potassium and an excellent source of vitamin C, exceeding the recommended daily dosage in 100 grams of fruit? It also provides us with iron, B vitamins and vitamin A and it is very special in texture and sweet, for those who want to avoid processed sugar. It also goes well with green salads and smoothies for sweetness, but we tried it here on vegan skewers with tofu, red pepper, sesame and soy sauce. And it was delicious!

You’ll need
1 block of tofu
1 large red pepper
1 lotus
1-2 tbsp. soy sauce
some sesame
Cut your ingredients into small pieces (cubes preferably), stick them on a skewer, put them on parchment paper, pour a little extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, sesame, turmeric and spices of your choice and bake at 365 °F (180 °C) until soft. Persimmon will caramelize perfectly and it will give sweetness to your dish.
Tip: Be sure to first press your tofu to extract liquids and then marinate in a marinade of your choice, either in olive oil with spices or in soy sauce, to get a nice taste.

Always cook tasty foods that take care of you and your immune system. Find more recipes in the blog section of www.feedyourimmunity.com